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时间:2018-01-16 16:28:54    来源:招商银行    作者:宏政教育    点击数:

【微  信】微信公众号:宏政公考(hzgwy100)


【电  话】联系方式:0731-83575566/83575558

【位  置】公司地址:湖南省长沙市芙蓉区车站北路70号万象新天5栋916


招商银行成立于 1987 年,总部位于中国深圳,是一家在上海、香港两地上市的大型企业。2017年招商银行位列英国权威金融杂志《银行家》全球银行品牌排名第12位,并以2090.25亿元的营业收入位列《财富》中国500强榜单第30名,在国内所有银行中排名第五。


Founded in 1987, China Merchants Bank (CMB) is headquartered in Shenzhen China, which is a large enterprise listed in Shanghai and Hong Kong. In 2017, CMB ranked 12th in the global banking brands of the UK's authoritative financial magazine The Banker, and ranked in the 30th place in the Fortune 500 China with more than 209 billion RMB revenue, which is the fifth in all the domestic banks.

CMB has always adhered to the "compliance first" concept, enhancing AML capacity in accordance with the highest international AML standards and the best international AML practices, committed to building a world-class AML compliance bank. Now CMB is seeking the following AML Talents globally:



1. 利用Fintech最新技术,研究设计反洗钱人工智能分析系统;

2. 不断优化、设计反洗钱监测分析模型。


1. 年龄35周岁以下,重点大学硕士研究生(含)以上学历,计算机与科学技术类专业方向;

2. 三年以上相关工作经验;

3. 具有良好的职业道德,品行端正,无不良记录,具备较强的工作责任心和团队精神,能承担较大的工作挑战和压力;

4. 有国际大型银行从业经历者、反洗钱监管者、或熟悉银行系统设计开发经验者优先。


AML System Administrator (AI Analyzing System Design)

Job Description

1. Use Fintech to design AI analyzing system of AML.

2. Keep designing and improving AML transaction monitoring and analyzing model.

Job Requirements

1. Master’s (or above) degree in Computer Science and Technology or related area from a four-year key university;

2. More than three years related working experience;

3. Ethics, integrity required, and no negative records; Have strong working responsibility and a sense of teamwork, and capable of taking on daily challenges and pressures.

4. Large International Banks, AML regulator or Banking System Development working experience preferred.


Job Location: Shenzhen, China



1. 反洗钱名单过滤系统的维护;

2. 名单过滤系统与各个业务系统、反洗钱监测系统、评级系统的对接;

3. 制订反洗钱名单过滤策略;

4. 对名单过滤系统有效性进行年度评估,并提交评估报告。


1. 年龄35周岁以下,重点大学全日制本科(含)以上学历, 数学、统计、金融工程、计算机与科学技术类专业方向;

2. 三年以上相关从业经验;

3. 具有良好的职业道德,品行端正,无不良记录;

4. 有国际大型银行从业经历者、反洗钱监管经历者、或熟悉银行系统设计开发经验者优先。


AML System Administrator (AML Name Screening System)

Job Description

1. Routine maintenance of AML Name Screening System.

2. Integrate Name Screening System with business systems, AML Transaction Monitoring System and AML Risk Rating System.

3. Deploy AML Name screening strategies..

4. Annual assessment of the Name Screening System efficiency, and submit assessment report(s).

Job Requirements

1. Bachelor’s (or above) degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Financial Engineering, Computer Science and Technology or related area from a four-year key university;

2. More than three years related working experience;

3. Ethics, integrity required, and no negative records;

4. Large International Banks, AML regulator or Banking System Development working experience preferred.

Job Location: Shenzhen, China



1. 反洗钱监测分析的日常维护;

2. 大额交易监测标准与维护;负责设计可疑交易监测标准、监测模型,并负责测试验证;

3. 定期对监测标准、监测模型的有效性进行分析评估和优化,并提交年度评估报告。


1. 年龄35周岁以下,重点大学全日制本科(含)以上学历, 数学、统计、金融工程、计算机与科学技术类专业方向;

2. 三年以上相关从业经验;

3. 具有良好的职业道德,品行端正,无不良记录。

4. 有国际大型银行从业经历者、反洗钱监管经历者、或熟悉银行系统设计开发经验者优先。


AML System Administrator (AML Transaction Monitoring System)

Job Description

1. Routine maintenance of AML Transaction Monitoring System.

2. Set and maintain large value transaction monitoring standards. Be responsible for designing and testing suspicious transaction monitoring standards and monitoring model.

3. Periodically evaluate and optimize the monitoring standards and efficiency of the monitoring model, and submit annual assessment report(s).

Job Requirements

1. Bachelor’s (or above) degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Financial Engineering, Computer Science and Technology or related area from a four-year key university;

2. More than three years related working experience;

3. Ethics, integrity required, and no negative records;

4. Large International Banks, AML regulator or Banking System Development working experience preferred.

Job Location: Shenzhen, China



1. 根据机构、客户、业务等洗钱风险变化情况,制定年度反洗钱现场检查、非现场检查方案;

2. 负责对我行境内、外机构进行反洗钱检查,并对检查发 现的问题督导相关机构进行整改;

3. 负责对全行反洗钱内控状况进行评估。


1. 年龄35周岁以下,重点大学全日制本科(含)以上学历,金融、法律专业方向;

2. 三年以上金融反洗钱从业经验;

3. 逻辑思维能力、研究分析能力和文字撰写能力强;

4. 具有良好的职业道德,品行端正,无不良记录;

5. 有国际大型银行从业经历者、反洗钱监管经历者优先。


AML Examiner

Job Description

1. Develop on-site and off-site annual AML examination plans according to ML risk changes in organizations, customers and businesses.

2. Be responsible for AML examinations of CMB domestic branches and overseas institutions, and supervise the rectification of problems found.

3. Evaluate CMB’s AML internal control.

Job Requirements

1. Bachelor’s (or above) degree in finance or legal or related area from a four-year key university;

2. More than three years Financial Institutions’ Anti-Money Laundering working experience;

3. Logical, analytical and writing skills required;

4. Ethics, integrity required, and no negative records;

5. Large International Banks or AML regulator working experience preferred.

Job Location: Shenzhen, China



1. 负责制定业务洗钱风险评估制度、流程;

2. 负责对业务洗钱风险评估并预设风险控制措施,并督导业务条线在业务系统、制度及流程中落实防控措施;

3. 对重大业务进行反洗钱审查;

4. 组织对高风险业务进行年度复审;

5. 组织境内外机构开展机构反洗钱自评估,并完善反洗钱内控措施。


1. 年龄35周岁以下,重点大学硕士研究生(含)以上学历,金融、法律专业方向;

2. 三年以上金融反洗钱从业经验;

3. 逻辑思维能力、研究分析能力和文字撰写能力强;

4. 具有良好的职业道德,品行端正,无不良记录;

5. 有国际大型银行从业经历者、反洗钱监管经历者、或有银行业务审查经验者优先。


AML Auditor

Job Description

1. Develop Businesses ML risk assessment program and procedure.

2. Assess Businesses ML risk, draft risk control measures, and supervise the implementation of risk control measures in business lines and business process.

3. AML review of major businesses.

4. Organize annual AML review of high-risk businesses.

5. Organize Group-wide AML risk self-assessment, and improve AML internal risk control measures.

Job Requirements

1. Master’s (or above) degree in finance or legal or related area from a key university;

2. More than three years Financial Institutions’ Anti-Money Laundering working experience;

3. Logical, analytical and writing skills required;

4. Ethics, integrity required, and no negative records;

5. Large International Banks, AML regulator or Banking Audit working experience preferred.

Job Location: Shenzhen, China

六、反洗钱调查与名单管理岗 (招聘人数:若干)


1. 负责对重大可疑交易调查,落实对涉案客户的管控措施,并向相关部门提交调查报告;

2. 制订名单分类及准入标准,并拟定不同类别名单的管控措施;负责反洗钱名单的维护;

3. 全行跨境业务的反洗钱名单审查;

4. 督导业务机构落实名单客户的管控措施。


1. 年龄35周岁以下,重点大学全日制本科(含)以上学历,金融、法律专业方向;

2. 大学英语六级(含)或以上,具备较强的英语阅读能力;

3. 三年以上金融反洗钱从业经验;

4. 具有良好的职业道德,品行端正,无不良记录;

5. 有国际大型银行从业经历者、反洗钱监管经历者、或有银行国际业务从业经验者优先。


AML Investigator & List Manager

Job Description

1. Be responsible for the investigation of major suspicious transactions, implement control measures for clients involved, and submit investigation reports to relevant regulators.

2. Develop the classification and access criteria of internal AML lists and draft lists’ control measures. Be responsible for internal AML lists maintenance.

3. Review Name Screening Alerts.

4. Supervise business lines’ implementation of control measures on listed clients.

Job Requirements

1. Bachelor’s (or above) degree in finance or legal or related area from a four-year key university;

2. CET-6 (including) or above English Level, with excellent English reading skills;

3 More than three years Financial Institutions’ Anti-Money Laundering working experience;

4 Logical, analytical and writing skills required;

5 Ethics, integrity required, and no negative records;

6 Large International Banks, AML regulator or Banking Trade Finance working experience preferred.

Job Location: Shenzhen, China



1. 对国际经济制裁法律进行研究,制定全行经济制裁合规政策并监督实施。负责有关经济制裁法律、政策的咨询;

2. 收集全球反洗钱情报信息,建立我行高风险国家或地区名单表,并负责国家或地区洗钱风险参数的设置与调整;

3. 对联合国安理会制裁决议、美国OFAC制裁涉及的实体或个人进行回溯性检查,对涉案的账户及时采取管控措施,对涉及联合国制裁的客户及时向人民银行提交回溯性检查报告;

4. 收集涉制裁案件信息、媒体负面信息,并及时进行回溯性检查,对涉案、涉负面信息的客户采取管控措施。


1. 年龄35周岁以下,重点大学全日制本科(含)以上学历,金融、法律专业方向;

2. 大学英语六级(含)或以上,具备较强的英语听说读写能力;

3. 三年以上金融反洗钱从业经验;

4. 逻辑思维能力、研究分析能力和文字撰写能力强;

5. 具有良好的职业道德,品行端正,无不良记录;

6. 有国际大型银行反洗钱从业经历者、有跨境法务背景从业经验者优先。


Global AML Information Analyst

Job Description

1. Study international economic sanctions laws, formulate and oversee the implementation of internal economic sanctions compliance policies. To be responsible for the consultation on the related area;

2. Collect global AML intelligence information, establish high risk countries /regions list, and be responsible for the setting and adjusting of ML risk parameters of these countries /regions;

3. Retrospective examination of United Nations (UN) Security Council & United States OFAC sanction entities or individuals and implement control measures timely. Submit UN-sanction retrospective examination reports to the People's Bank of China when needed;

4. Retrospective examination of sanction cases and negative media information and take control measures timely.

Job Requirements

1. Bachelor’s (or above) degree in finance or legal or related area from a four-year key university;

2. CET-6 (including) or above English Level, with excellent English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills;

3. More than three years Financial Institutions’ Anti-Money Laundering working experience;

4. Logical, analytical and writing skills required;

5. Ethics, integrity required, and no negative records;

6. Large International Banks’ working experience or Cross-border legal background preferred.

Job Location: Shenzhen, China



1. 审核可疑交易报告的合理性,最终确定可疑交易是否报送;

2. 审核可疑交易报告的紧急程度、重要程度和报送方向等;

3. 审定复核岗拟采取的后续风控措施的合理性、全面性等;

4. 负责组织对重大洗钱案件进行调查,并采取风险控制措施。


1. 年龄35周岁以下,重点大学全日制本科(含)以上学历,金融、法律专业方向;

2. 三年以上反洗钱从业经验;

3. 逻辑思维能力、研究分析能力和文字撰写能力强;

4. 具有良好的职业道德,品行端正,无不良记录;

5. 有国际大型银行反洗钱从业经历者、反洗钱监管经历者、或有金融机构可疑交易分析经验者优先。


AML Transaction Analyst (Decision-maker)

Job Description

1. Review rationality of the suspicious transaction report, and determine submission of the suspicious transaction report;

2. Verify the urgency and importance of the suspicious transaction report(s) and verify the reporting direction of the suspicious transaction report(s);

3. Approve rationality and comprehensiveness of the follow-up risk control measures proposed by the reviewer.

4. Be responsible to organize investigation of major money laundering cases, and take risk control measures.

Job Requirements

1. Bachelor’s (or above) degree in finance or legal or related area from a four-year key university;

2. More than three years Financial Institutions’ Anti-Money Laundering working experience;

3. Logical, analytical and writing skills required;

4. Ethics, integrity required, and no negative records;

5. Large International Banks, AML regulator or Financial Institution suspicious transaction analyzing working experience preferred.

Job Location: Chengdu, China

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